The FICRA Fair

The FICRA Fair, an Island tradition and our biggest community event of the year, is held each year on the second Saturday in August from 11 am to 4 pm. Our Fair continues to grow and be a successful annual community event for Fox Island and our surrounding communities.

You’ll love our popular Music and Food court, featuring live local talent and a variety of food vendors. Each year, we have a great lineup of local music artists playing for the entire five hours of the fair. Limited off‑street parking is provided for vendors and the public. Additional parking is available at the Heart Church on Island Blvd., with free shuttles running to and from the NCC from 10 am to 5 pm. Check out the fundraising Silent Auction in the NCC Auditorium; donations are appreciated! In addition, the popular Flower Show is held in the South Classroom; island green thumbs enter their gardens’ finest specimens. FI Emergency Preparedness, Neighborhood Watch, and Amateur Radio (EMCOMM) always turn out with special displays, a great way to find out more about these FICRA organizations. The opening ceremony is held at noon, when the Fox Island Honor and Color Guard presents the colors followed by the singing of the national anthem and the “World’s Shortest Parade” to honor that year’s Grand Marshall(s). We welcome you to join in the fun! New vendors are always welcome; reach out through the Contact page and reserve your booth at next year’s Fair.

Fair Policies and Information

The last day for booth signups is one week prior to the Fair.

All booth spaces are 10′ x 10′. The booth fees are a flat rate of $35 for adults and $30 for kids 15 and under. For our current FICRA members in good standing (at the time of the Fair), you are allowed one Fair booth for each paid FICRA family membership, for $10 (Adults) and $5 (Kids).  Additional booths are available at $35 (Adults) and $30 (Kids) each. You must provide all supplies needed to run your booth, including tables, chairs, canopies, umbrellas, and any other supplies. All canopies must have a Certificate of Flammability sewn into the fabric.

The FICRA Fair Map and booth assignments are emailed about 2 weeks before the Fair and are also given to each vendor upon arrival.

Vendors may set up their booth space on the Friday before the Fair between 3:00pm and 8:00pm. A Fair attendant will be available to direct you to your assigned space. You will still be required to check in on Saturday morning. The gates will be locked at 8:00 pm. FICRA is not responsible for any theft or damage of any materials, merchandise or equipment left on-site overnight. Our island Emergency Patrol organization and Deputy Sheriff will perform periodic checks on the facility during the night. Check in will be Saturday morning between 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM. Please see our FICRA Fair Attendant for check in prior to setting up your booth. Tent Canopies must be setup by 9:00 am Saturday to comply with the Fire Department inspection requirements. Booth set-up must be complete by 10:45 AM Saturday, August 10th. Please be courteous to neighboring vendors who are also setting up. Unload and immediately move your vehicle to the vendor parking area before setting up your booth.

All food and beverage vendors, including those who sell or give away home-prepared food or food cooked on-site are required to follow the food safety regulations set forth by the Pierce County Health Department regarding temporary food establishments.

We encourage all vendors to park your vehicle at the rear of the parking lot as indicated on your Fair map, leaving closer spaces and on street parking available for the public.  Please do not park in front of the building as we want to keep those spaces free for our disabled Fair visitors.  Please dismantle your booth Saturday afternoon after 4 PM, and clean up and haul away all materials, including any trash you or your customers may have generated during the day in and around your booth area.  You must supply your own garbage bags and cans.  There is no regular garbage service at the Nichols Community Center.  Please take your trash with you when you leave the fairgrounds.

Donations & Advertising

The FICRA Fair is both a fun community event and a fundraising activity for the continued maintenance and operation of the Nichols Community Center and grounds.  If you would like to advertise your business or craft, consider donating to the FICRA Fair Silent Auction Room and email us at, including photos or a business logo. We will do our best to post your information on our community Facebook Page to encourage visitors to attend your booth at the Fair. Auction Room proceeds benefit the FICRA Building Trust.

The FICRA Fair is managed entirely by Fox Island volunteers. If you have any questions, please email the FICRA Building Trust Board of Directors at Thank you for participating in this fun community event!

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