FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 04-11-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector
Jacob PaukertDirector
Peggy WrightDirector

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2024

Attendees:  Arlyn Lawrence (*Vice-President elect), Weston King (*President elect), Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jacob Paukert (*Director elect), Peggy Wright (*Director elect), Jim Braden (Project Manager), Laura Paukert, Joan Broughton.

The Nominating Committee added Jacob Paukert and Peggy Wright to the Board, bringing the Board members to seven.  Peggy has both business and entrepreneur experience and Board experience as well.  Her passion is doing things for children and says she is excited to add this new adventure to her skill set as well as serve the island.  Jacob Paukert owns his own business, Fox Island Metalworks”.  He has lived on the island most of his life.  He bought his present house on the island nine years ago.  He has previous experience working as a guard in the prison system.  Arlyn asked if both prospective candidates had an up-to-date FICRA membership.  Both acknowledged that their memberships were current.  Jim made a motion to accept the candidate elects, Craig seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Public Comments:  None

Approval of March 2024 Minutes:  Jim made a motion to amend the March minutes to move the additional number of Board members from 5 to 7 to include the candidates elected.  Arlyn seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell): 

Trust Checking

     Beginning Balance                                      $  30,906.58

     Checks and Payments                                   17,973.59 (Mostly T-Ball League, Oil Tank Fill, Scholarships)

     Deposits and Credits                             439.62

     Ending Balance                                            $  13,372.61

Trust Savings

     Beginning Balance                                      $         731.88

     Checks and Payments                                                0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                   0.03 Interest

      Ending Balance                                           $         731.91

Building Trust Paypal ending 3/31/2

     Beginning Balance                                      $         192.03

     Checks and Payments                                       1,260. 00

     Deposits and Credits                  $          57.24

     Ending Balance                                            $   1,394.79

Trust Capital Checking

     Beginning Balance                                      $        382.30

     Checks and Payments                                               0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                               0.00

     Ending Balance                                            $       382.30

Trust Reserve Checking

     Beginning Balance                                      $        153.20

     Checks and Payments                                                0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                  0.00

     Ending Balance                                            $          153.20

20 Month Flex Certificate

     Beginning Balance                                      $ 104,997.96

     Checks and Payments                                                 0.00

     Deposits and Credits                               354.92

     Ending Balance                                            $ 105,352.88

5 Month Certificate (add on)

     Beginning Balance                                      $    82,787.14

     Checks and Payments                                                  0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                319.91 (March Interest)

     Ending Balance                                            $     83,107.05

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP and NW)

     Beginning Balance                                      $  208,357.02

     Checks and Payments                                             330.56

     Deposits and Credits                                684.48

     Ending Balance                                            $  208,710.94

Trust General Money Market

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $ 111,432.12

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                 0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                               353.92 Interest

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $ 111,786.04

Trust Capital Money Market

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $    33,045.22

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                  0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                     0.00

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $    33,045.22

Trust Reserve Money Market

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $     40,802.47

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                   0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                      0.00

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $      40,802.47

Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $       12,100.96

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                     0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                        0.00

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $        12,100.96

Trust Emergency Prep Restricted Money Market                

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $            6,591.59

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                       0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                          0.00

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $             6,591.59

Trust Neighborhood Watch Reserved Money Market

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $              4,384.66

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                         0.00

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                            0.00

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $              4,384.66

Trust Money Market – Other

     Beginning Balance                                                                                      $                       0.00

     Checks and Payments                                                                                                   353.92

     Deposits and Credits                                                                                        353.92

     Ending Balance                                                                                            $                         0.00

Sum of QB Sub Money Market                                                                    $           208,710.94 

Standing Committee Reports

     Buildings and Grounds (Jim Braden):  The Fox Island Garden Club has offered to purchase an outdoor fountain for the NCC.  Jim is working with them.  There are some questions on placement and installation.  They are not yet ready to proceed and are in the process of raising funds.  This won’t be completed for several months.  We are also awaiting on a bid for irrigating the Sports field.

     Nature Center (Ed Burrough):  The Nature Center team has secured several native plants from the Pierce County’s Conservation District and will be planting those in the Nature Center on their next work party.

     Emergency Preparedness (EP):  Current target for the ‘beta’ version to the Emergency Preparedness leads is targeted for April 13th.  There is a question on which logo to use.  We are working with Pierce County to provide training.  We do have a Disaster First Aid class planned for April 27th at the Nichols Community Center which we believe is the best class for our Block Coordinators to receive.

The Washington State grant for Emergency Preparedness terminates June 15th.  We are being prodded to terminate earlier.  We have several acquisitions to claim and two more possible (website and radio equipment).

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is no longer going to be actively supporting our Emergency Preparedness medical inventory and trailer.  The medical inventory is ours and we have asked to take ownership of the trailer (we are first on their list to take it over – hopefully as a donation – but if there is a cost for that, Emergency Preparedness will work to justify our acquisition of it).

Shelters – we are working with Heart Church.  We have met with the United Church of Christ trustee representatives to utilize that church as a shelter, and that is on track for a formal agreement.

The radio station KGHP is built into our emergency response system.  More to come on that as Jim is on the study team formed by PSD 401 on that issue.

Neighborhood Watch – our Post Office is doing everything they can do to get back to normal.  Since the break-in is a federal offense, the Fox Island Neighborhood Watch and Sheriff Department are involved to the degree they can be.

FIARC (Fox Island Amateur Radio Club) continues to improve the communication system for Emergency Response.

Other items in the works:

  • The United Church of Christ (UCC) tennis court was discussed at the UCC March 27th trustee meeting.  Jim did attend and sent a report to the FICRA Board.
  • Neighborhood Watch charter:  Jim and Craig to follow up.
  • AED status.  We are first in line after District 5 personnel for a Fire Department surplus unit.  We probably won’t see that until this summer if it comes through.  Joan Broughton brought the immediate need for an AED replacement.  Jacob said he will research options and present them to the board.  It was suggested that we purchase the same model as the Gig Harbor medics use.
  • A ballot box is being planned at Pierce County.  Jim will monitor.
  • Legal protections for the Board will be forthcoming by Craig and Jim.
  • The DeMolay site construction will be monitored by Craig and his team.
  • Law enforce4ment handout in Gig Harbor advice stage

Finance Committee:  No report.

Old Business:

     Easter Events:  Annual egg hunt went well.  We had about 30 prizes to raffle off.  Each child got a ticket for the raffle and those with “golden” eggs received three additional raffle tickets.  Several Easter baskets were donated by the FI Fellowship Group.  They also donated individual bags for each child with small gifts and coloring books.  They were instrumental in volunteering their time to set up the hunt, decorate and put out refreshments.  The other raffle prizes were purchased at a large discount after Easter last year.  Legendary Donuts cancelled at the last minute due to a death.  We were able to purchase donut holes through Albertsons as a workaround. 

The adult Easter Egg Hunt and Wine tasting was well attended as well.  We had 84 participants and almost all participated in the actual egg hunt.  Again, each entrant received a raffle ticket and then could trade in their collected eggs for additional raffle tickets.  We raffled off an expresso maker, a hydroponic garden, a bunny cheese board, white rabbit and carrot cake coffee beans, peeps, trail mixes, etc.  It should be a repeat activity without the winery as the wine they provided was much too expensive for us to make a substantial profit. 

     Youth T-ball update:  Great turnout each week.  The season ends in the first week of June.  No hiccups to date.

     Permanent election box placement:  Jim is working with Pierce County on placement.

     UCC tennis court placement:  See Jim’s report above.

     FI Olympics/Summer Games:  Craig and Jacob are spearheading games and itinerary.  More information to come.

     Other upcoming events: (Candy) To date, May is free of FICRA activities.  June 22nd is the Summer Solstice Celebration and the FI Art Fair (moved from the Chapel).  So far there are about 25 participants expected with room for more.  Many May Saturdays are booked for rentals and June is booked for several graduation parties as well.

New Business:  

     Board Day Retreat is scheduled for Friday, May 10th from 9:00am-3:00pm.  We will have a exhaustive agenda of planning to discuss.  Lunch will be provided.  The retreat will be at Craig’s residence.

     FICRA website status:  Howard Stapleton is still working on it and has asked board members for input.  A ‘beta’ version is expected very soon.

    Rental business update:  May and June have multiple dates booked.  We had some interest of another business looking to book for a two-week acting camp to conclude with a movie shoot.  Both this business and French Toast have been advised that the rental fee for multiple days consecutive days for camps will be $35 per hour (or $210 for a 6-hour day) which is $90 less per 6-hour one-off rental such as a party, wedding, etc. for a FICRA member fee.

A motion was made by Wes and seconded by Jacob that we refund Craig’s initial payment to the website developer of $2,000.  Although the initial website developer did not complete his task, all files were returned to the Board that was initiated as the ‘beta’ version.  Howard Stapleton was able to utilize the work in finishing up the project without further payment.  It was also suggested that monies be returned to Craig that was spent on a phishing scam sent to all Board members in the amount of $3,000.  Total monies to be returned to Craig amount to $5,000.  Vote was taken with 6 or the 7 approving and Hal abstaining.  Motion carried.

Wes called for a motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Jacob and seconded by Craig.  Vote was unanimous, motion carried. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:34pm.

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