FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 05-09-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector
Jacob PaukertDirector
Peggy WrightDirector

FICRA Board Meeting – May 9, 2024 – 7:00pm

Nichols Community Center

Attendees:  Weston King (President), excused, Arlyn Lawrence (Vice President), Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jacob Paukert (Director), Peggy Wright (Director), Jim Braden (Project Manager), Laura Paukert, Joan Broughton.

Public Comment:  (None)

Approval of April Minutes:  Craig made a motion to approve the April minutes as written, Jacob seconded.  The vote was unanimous, motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):

     Trust Checking

                Beginning Balance                                            $13,372.61

                Checks and Payments                                        5,997.68

                Deposits and Credits                                          18,662.01

                Ending Balance                                  $26,036.94

     Trust Savings

                Beginning Balance                                            $        731.91

                Checks and Payments                                                     0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                         .03 Interest

                Ending Balance                                  $        731.94

     Building Trust PayPal (ending 4/30/24)

                Beginning Balance                                            $     1,394.79

                Checks and Payments                                             1,435.66

                Deposits and Credits                                       $     1,045.00

                Ending Balance                                  $     1,044.13

     Trust Capital Checking

                Beginning Balance                                            $         382.30

                Checks and Payments                                                      0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                       0.00

                Ending Balance                                  $         382.30

     Trust Reserve Checking

                Beginning Balance                                            $        153.20

                Checks and Payments                                                     0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                       0.00

                Ending Balance                                  $        153.20

     30-Month Flex Certificate

                Beginning Balance                                            $105,352.88

                Checks and Payments                                                      0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                   344.63 (April Interest)

                Ending Balance                                  $105,697.51

5-Month Certificate

                Beginning Balance                                            $  83,107.05

                Checks and Payments                                                      0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                   334.02 (April Interest)

                Ending Balance                                  $  83,441.07

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP, NW)

                Beginning Balance                                            $208,710.94

                Checks and Payments                                          10,353.92 (Withdrew $10K to Trust Ckg)

                Deposits and Credits                                                   694.27

                Ending Balance                                  $199,051.29

Trust General Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $111,786.04

                Checks and Payments                                                                                          10,000.00  (Withdrew $10K)

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                   340.35 (Interest)

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $102,126.39

     Trust Capital Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $   33,045.22

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                       0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                         0.00

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $   33,045.22

     Trust Reserve Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $   40,802.47

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                       0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                         0.00

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $    40,802.47

     Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $     12,100.96

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                         0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                           0.00

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $     12,100.96

     Trust Emergency Prep. Restricted Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $        6,591.59

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                         0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                           0.00

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $        6,591.59

     Trust Neighborhood Watch Restricted Money Market

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $         4,384.66

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                          0.00

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                            0.00

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $         4,384.66

     Trust Money Market Other

                Beginning Balance                                                                                            $                   0.00

                Checks and Payments                                                                                                      340.35 (Interest)

                Deposits and Credits                                                                                                        340.35 Transf Int)

                Ending Balance                                                                                  $                    0.00

     Sum of Sub Money Markets                                                                                    $      199,051.29

Standing Committee Reports (Jim Braden)

                Building and Grounds:  We are waiting for a bid for irrigating the Sports Field after scope change.  Front door replacement bids are now underway. 

                Nature Center (Ed Burrough):  The nature center team has installed several native plants from the Pierce County’s Conservation District.  All are staked and identified.  Visitation seems to be up from the trial use.

                Emergency Preparedness (EP): is available with limited notice for getting feedback.  The Disaster First Aid class at the NCC was well done but poorly attended.  Only 6 of the original 14 signups showed and several with no notice ahead.  We are working to integrate fi-ready with our website

The Washington State grant for EP is extended to June 15, 2025.  We have several acquisitions to claim and more possible (website and radio equipment).

The Medical Reserve Corps (M is no longer going to be actively supporting our EP medical inventory and trailer.  The medical inventory is ours, and we have asked to take ownership of the trailer (we are first on their list to take it over, hopefully as a donation, but if there is a cost for that EP will work to justify our acquisition of it.

Shelters – we are working with Heart Church.  We have met with the UCC Trustee representatives on the UCC as a shelter, and that is on track for a formal agreement.

The PSD401 radio station, KGHP, is built into our emergency response system.  More to come on that as Jim is on the study team formed by PSD401 on that issue.

Neighborhood Watch:  The car accident on May 4th had limited notice of the bridge being closed.  We are working to get a more immediate advisory like PC Alert to work.  Jim is investigating.

FIARC (Fox Island Amateur Radio Club) continues to improve the communication system for Emergency Response.  Next step is for a repeater tower on a Fox Island high point.

Other items in the works: 

  • The UCC tennis court – the “ball” is in UCC’s court for now.
  • Neighborhood Watch charter – Jim, Craig, and Hal to follow up.
  • AED status – We are first in line after District 5 personnel for a Fire Dept. surplus unit.  We won’t see that until this summer (if it comes through).  Cost is $1500+ to buy a new one.
  • Ballot box is being planned by Pierce County.  Jim relates to that and will monitor.
  • Legal protections for the Board are looked into by Craig.

Old Business

  • Summer youth baseball/softball camp update –
  • FICRA Summer Games (Saturday, June 29th), Craig & Jacob –
  • Labor Day Concert (Craig) – Sixtiesmania band has been booked.  Starvin’ Marvin food truck has also been booked as has the ice cream truck.  The car show begins at 2:00 with the concert starting at 4:00 with the Jewel Tones opening for the Sixtiesmania band.
  • The board retreat (from 9-3:00pm) will be at Craig’s home.  Angela King will take headshots for our webpage.  A continental breakfast and lunch is provided. 
  • Summer Solstice (Candy):  Saturday, June 22nd begins with the FI Art Fair inside the Nichols Community Center.  So far, we have about 30 people showing/selling.  If an artist wishes to sell, they take care of their own monies.  The Art Fair runs from 1-5:00pm with the Flock of Beagles beginning at 6:00pm.  The food truck is PNW Chicken and Waffles has been confirmed from 4-8:00pm.

New Business:

Reimbursement for fraud:  Hal explained his objection to not having documentation.  He thinks we should reimburse Craig but normally tracks expenses with a voucher and documentation.  A revote is not necessary.

Young Men’s Service League (Candy):  This is a group of young men in grades 10 and 11 (adding 9th next fall) that track their service hours completed with a dedicated mom group that accompanies them.  Organizations available for service must be deemed appropriate by the YMSL home office in Seattle.  FICRA was named as an appropriate service location.  There are about 15 boys in the group, and half are from Fox Island.  Deanna Kjorlien (a FICRA Member) heads up this service group for Gig Harbor/Fox Island.  Since we are named as an appropriate service organization, Candy made a motion that we support their yearly endeavor with a couple gift certificates to be given at their yearly banquet in June.  Hal suggested that this year we award two recipients with $50 gift certificates ($100 total) to be given at their June banquet as we build this collaboration.  Arlyn seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous, motion carried.  Candy will get the gift certificates to Deanna before their June banquet.

Red Cross Blood Drive (Candy):  We explored hosting a blood drive at the Nichols Community Center.  They are several months out for booking, probably looking at a fall date.  They would like a minimum of 35 people to donate to make it worth their while to bring out the personnel and equipment.  We are having a volunteer come out and look at our facility before the end of May.  There is no cost for FICRA.  Everything is provided.  FICRA does publicizes and signs up donors.  Walk-ins are also accommodated.

Acknowledgement of Plaques and Bricks:  Arlyn mentioned the board across from the kitchen has not been kept up to date and wondered if new names can be added to the baseball bricks.  Jim will investigate both matters.

Time for an Audit:  The past audit committee no longer wishes to serve so a new audit committee is needed.  Joan Broughton and Kellie Carmichael volunteered.  We should have a committee of three.  Candy said she could fill the remaining slot if another volunteer is needed.  The audit usually takes about a month from start to finish, but since we did not have one since Covid hit, it will probably take longer.  The committee meets weekly to report and is given “homework” assignments to be completed before the next meeting.  We should do this with volunteers as an outside auditing committee is expensive.

RAD Class (Candy):  RAD is an acronym for Rape, Aggression, Defense.  Candy spoke with both the instructor and a participant.  The instructor has trained over 6,000 women in the past.  The class is 9-12 hours (3 hours per evening).  The participant said it was a lot of seat time where only the last two days were on practicing moves.  Arlyn mentioned a class that was only one Saturday.  The Board has tabled this issue until more information on other programs is reviewed.

Board protections:  Hal and Craig to look at liability protections for Board members

Pending Business

  • Increase rental rates (a comparison is needed from like venues)
  • Raising membership rates (we’ve had the same fee for the past 11 years)

Arlyn asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jacob made a motion to adjourn and Hal seconded.  The vote was unanimous, motion carried.

Adjournment at 8:35pm

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