FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 09-12-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday,12, September 2024, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector
Jacob PaukertDirector
Peggy WrightDirector

Attendees: Wes King (President) excused, Arlyn Lawrence (Vice-President) excused, Hal Goodell (Treasurer), Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jacob Paukert (Director), Peggy Wright (Director) excused, Laura Paukert, Joan Broughton, Rex Davison (Ghostlight Theater)

Public Comments: Rex Davison of Ghostlight Theater made a presentation about their desire to rent space from FICRA for community theater. Rex gave a brief overview of their history in community theater. In 2019, Gig Harbor had just lost its only community theater due to a high rental increase (The Paradise Theater). A group of then local actors decided to start a new community theater group with a 501c3 status. Unfortunately, the pandemic put a damper on those inspirations. However, they planned and collaborated over Zoom so once restrictions were lifter, they could hit the ground running.

To raise funds, they held showcases starring local singing talent at the local Eagles Club and a local brew pub in Poulsbo. They participated in local festivals , parades, and fairs in Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Silverdale, Bremerton and Poulsbo where they advertised their theater, camps, classes and future plans. They hosted a beer garden fundraiser at a summer festival in Silverdale for two years that was very successful. They have had a desire to have a home base in Gig Harbor, but they chose a less expensive area temporarily in Bremerton. They space they are presently in is called “Ghostlight Performing Arts Studio”. It is a space consisting of a rehearsal room and three classrooms. One room is big enough to house a dance room. They also offer voice lessons for all ages, taught by one of the Board members with the appropriate credentials. They would like to also continue this at the Nichols Community Center.

For three years in a row, Ghostlight has partnered with Peninsula Metropolitan Park District to host summer kids’ theater camps. Each camp has a limit of 20 individuals and lasts one week. One week is for 7-10 year-olds, and another week is for 11-14 year-olds. They divide the camps into small groups and have them audition for various roles, cast them in various 10-minute plays, and at the end of the week they perform individual plays for their parents. Camps were well received by both parents and the community at large. In 2025, they would like to hold two 1-week camps as before and one 2-week musical camp. If allowed to rent the Nichols Community Center, they could utilize both indoor and outdoor facilities (depending on weather).

Further, Ghostlight currently offers private and group voice, acting, and dance classes at their studio in Bremerton. These classes are offered to all ages and at all skill levels. In 2025, Ghostlight would like to hold Saturday camps for kids. Each camp is 3-hours long and each camp will have a different theme. The goal is to have a place to host kids in fun camps and encourage participation in actual theater productions. They are hoping to host these at the Nichols Community Center around our rentals.

Ghostlight’s proposal consists of: 1) Hosting all Ghostlight productions, rehearsals, and events would be scheduled around previously scheduled FICRA events already in place. FICRA has priority in scheduling. 2) Ghostlight would need unfettered access to the building and would like some basement storage. 3) All FICRA members would receive discounted tickets to all performances unless otherwise agreed. 4) Ghostlight can provide entertainment for FICRA events such as a matinee performance of our Christmas musical on December 8th. 5) Ghostlight would obtain its own insurance. 6) Ghostlight would abide by all rules and contracts set forth by FICRA. Ghostlight would hold fundraising events throughout the year, indoors and outdoors. 7) Ghostlight would help FICRA anyway they can to better serve the Fox Island Community. 8) Ghostlight would pay a monthly rate due to needing access to the building at random times. 9) With the cost of moving and other unforeseen costs, we are asking for a minimal monthly rate until January 1st. After the Christmas performances (Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 6, 7, 8), they feel apt to negotiate a higher monthly rent. They are hoping for a monthly rate of $1,000/mo. after they get established in January. 10) They would like a year’s contract if possible.

With three board members absent, the discussion was tabled until a work session could be available for all Board members to consider the proposal prior to October’s Board meeting.

Approval of September’s Board meeting: Item tabled to approve both of July and September’s Board meeting minutes. There was no Board meeting in August to accommodate the extra work of the FICRA Fair.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell) As of August 31, 2024

Trust Checking Account

Beginning Balance $13,947.90

Checks and Payments 34,879.86

Deposits and Credits 43,578.21

Ending Balance $22,646.25

Trust Savings

Beginning Balance $ 732.03

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits .03 interest

Ending Balance 732.06

Building Trust PayPal (ending 8/31/24)

Beginning Balance $ 2,429.79

Checks and Payments 2,112.53

Deposits and Credits 3,561.01

Ending Balance $ 3,878.27

Trust Capital Checking

Beginning Balance $ 5,782.30

Checks and Payments 20,000.00 (ck for AC Project at 50% Down Payment)

Deposits and Credits $ 20,000.00 (Transfer from Gen MM)

Ending Balance 5,782.30

Trust Reserve Checking

Beginning Balance $ 153.20

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 153.20

30-Month Flex Certificate (Matures 06/09/25, Long-term Emergency Reserve)

Beginning Balance $ 106,761.40

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 360.88 (August Interest)

Ending Balance $ 107,122.28

5-Month Certificate

Beginning Balance $ 84,892.67

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 386.57 (August Interest)

Ending Balance $ 84,892.67

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, Emerg. Prep, Neighborhood Watch)

Beginning Balance $ 195,672.04

Checks and Payments 20,334.76

Deposits and Credits 657.27

Ending Balance $ 175,994.55

Trust General Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 103,128.14

Checks and Payments 20,000.00 (Transfer to Cap. Ck for A/C Project)

Deposits and Credits 322.51 (July Interest)

Ending Balance $ 83,450.65

Trust Capital Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 34,064.22

Checks and Payments 5,400.00 (Transfer for Front Door Project)

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 28,664.22

Trust Reserve Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 40,802.47

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 40,802.47

Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 12,100.96

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 12,100.96

Trust Emergency Prep. Restricted Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 6,591.59

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 6,591.59

Trust Neighborhood Watch Restricted Money Market

Beginning Balance $ 4,384.66

Checks and Payments 0.00

Deposits and Credits 0.00

Ending Balance $ 4,384.66

Trust Money Market Other

Beginning Balance $ 0.00

Checks and Payments 322.51 (Interest Transfer to Gen MM)

Deposits and Credits 322.51 (August Interest)

Ending Balance $ 0.00

Sum of Sub Money Markets $ 175,994.55 Balanced

Financial notes: August was a very busy month for Trust checking due to the July 31st concert and the August 10th FICRA Fair. Lots of income and expenses for these. Additionally, there was a $20,000 transfer from our money market account into Trust Checking that was in error. It should have been to the Capital Checking account for the down payment of the NCC AC Project. Therefore out of checking to the Capital Checking account to correct the error. PayPal continued the monthly drawdown of the PayPal account as events close out. Capital Checking – Payment of the $20,000 AC project down payment. The 5-Month certificate matured on September 1st, 2024. The certificate was closed out on September 5, 2024, with the balance of $84,892.37 moved into the money market account. These funds will be distributed to the appropriate QB sub accounts. This will show up in the September report.

Actions for approval: 1) the purchase of the third square terminal for the price of $299.76, (2) the approval of A/C project contractor (Harbor Air Northwest) for the project cost of $39,925 and the approval to transfer that amount from the Trust General account into the Capital Expenditures account, and (3) the approval to close out the QB Sub Money Market account of “Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market and transfer those funds to the QB Sub Money Market account of Trust General Money Market (note: part of the account was used for the 5-Month Certificate that just matured. The total will be greater than $62,000).

Consensus vote for items #1 and #2 (previously approved in a work session): Craig made a motion to approve the purchase of the additional square terminal and the contract of Harbor Air Northwest to install AC in the Nichols Community Center. Jacob seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous, motion carried.

Craig made a motion to close out the QB Sub Money Market account “Trust Community Events/Activities Money Market” and transfer all funds to the Trust General Money Market account (#3 above). Jacob seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous, motion carried.

Additionally, Hal suggested that we should discuss the financial support for the FI United Church of Christ tennis court repair fundraising. Craig and Jim have been meeting with church officials on this topic. These delegates promised to help the United Church of Christ with a fundraising event (possibly at the NCC), but no financial support was promised as the property that the tennis courts is on is private property owned by the United Church of Christ. Hal said he received a note from a community member that they were astonished that FICRA had yet to support this endeavor financially. To date, the community has raised $10,000+ and has begun work to remove the tree roots upheaving the courts, but more work is needed to ensure safety on the courts. Craig volunteered to respond to the islander’s complaint about why we cannot give more financially to the private property owners and what was discussed in their meetings with Church officials.

September Buildings & Grounds Report (Jim Braden): The back door project was completed. The front doors’ contract was finalized with Nisqually Doors (same vendor as the back door). The front door project is to cost $10,800. We paid half down ($5,400. Check has yet to be cashed. Manufacturing is to start September 23rd, followed by installation in about 6 weeks.

Harbor Air Northwest was approved for the AC project at a cost of $39,925. A deposit of $20,000 was sent on August 23rd 2024. The AC project initiative is to be covered monetarily through a fundraising effort of our intended Party With A Purpose on February 22, 2025. The AC project installation started on September 12th (electrical work). The rest of the work will start on Monday, September 16th.

The second exit from the basement (needed for safety) is in process. The materials have been purchased and the county approval has been secured. The estimated completion is September 2024.

The Board confirmed their wish to increase the number of video cameras to eight. This project is in process. We need to choose the best product to purchase and where to put the old ones. Jim recommends moving the electronics from the attic to the basement.

Nature Center (Ed Burrough): Aside from doing trail maintenance and keeping the frontage along 9th kept up, their biggest accomplishment has been the regular watering of about 30 plantings which were planted in March. Most of the credit for the watering goes to Tom Mann. This has led to a high survival rate so far and bodes well for the future. New growth will be greater next year with the support of established, healthy roots. The Nature Center did have a booth, again, at the FICRA Fair, and that went well. They had a lot of visitors, many of whom noted our featured performer, a banana slug. It highlighted a static display about slugs prepared by Karen Conniff, a committee member. It was fun to pay attention to something so common yet so misunderstood.

Emergency Preparedness (EP): has been open to the public for two months. Monthly hits are at about 170 but fewer are by residents. We have done some advertising for it, but a dedicated effort is needed once is completed (some details remain to fully integrate FI-Ready with

The medical reserve trailer is still awaiting the Medical Response Corps decision on the trailer availability. Jim has talked with them, and they are actively pursuing this. However, the County owns it, and they have a lengthy process to release it. The contents belong to FICRA.

The school district radio station, KGHP, is built into our emergency response system. Still no decision by the School Board. More to come on that.

FIARC (Fox Island Amateur Radio Club) continues to improve the communication for Emergency Response. A communication exercise was conducted June 29th with some lessons to record and respond to. The next run of the exercise will be this Fall.

Other items in the works: (1) A neighborhood Watch charter – a draft is written. Jim, Hal and Craig to follow up. (2) A welcome packet for new residents has ben thoroughly updated. Jim delivers a few copies at a time to the Post Office for their giving to new residents seeking mail delivery. Jim can update them regularly to keep the latest being dispensed. The packet was sent to Board members for additional input.

Finance Committee: Nothing to report as we have no committee members to date.

Old Business:

FICRA activity sign update (Jacob and Craig): Item tabled until cost agreed upon by full Board.

Party With A Purpose (Candy): Caterers are expensive. Will probably order some trays for us to plate. The favored caterer so far is Essence of Thyme (Port Orchard). Menu is incomplete at this time.

Summer Movies in the Park (Candy): Despite snail mail, email from Constant Contact list, and social media advertising blitz, attendance was low. For those that did come, it was thoroughly enjoyed. Peggy Wright donated popcorn from the Galaxy Theater (two large bags with smaller personal bags at $30 for each. What was left over was used at the Labor Day concert and was also thoroughly enjoyed. We should consider this at future Labor Day concerts.

Red Cross Blood Drive (Candy): Again advertised on social media and with our email data base. Also, stopped into Men’s coffee and at our painters’ group. Only one gentleman said he would sign up at home. We need 30 pints scheduled for our goal. As of today, only 12 signed up. It is a hope that Board members and their spouses will sign up.

FICRA website (Candy): Training with Howard Stapleton is complete. Howard did open up some “test” websites for us to try without damaging the original version. He is hoping to go live soon.

French Toast Theater (Candy): contract is complete. They have one day in October scheduled. We will roll over their Certificate of insurance and damage deposit until then.

Philanthropic Committee Update (Craig): This is still is process. No update at this time.

Our 501c3 Determination Letter (Craig): The request was filed. Our letter is forthcoming.

FICRA Directory Interest/Update (Hal): We can download the membership into Microsoft booklet. Unfortunately, it does not allow up to make two columns as in the past. The last booklet (2019) was produced with old technology not available now. The project to produce one similar as before is very time consuming.

September New Business:

HVAC consensus vote: See above

Rental rate discussion (Candy): The rental survey is complete. In the past, the Finance Committee made recommendations on rental rates. With no Finance Committee in place, the item was tabled until the full Board has time to review and comment on present rates.

Ghostlight Theater (Candy): See above. Item tabled until full Board can review/discuss in a work session.

Treasurer Overview and Training (Hal): Item tabled for Board work session.

Halloween Zombie Walk (Candy): Activity is weather dependent. Jim will approach his homeowner association to inquire. Jacob recommended that we host another movie after the walk. More discussion is needed.

Audit Committee (Candy): First meeting sche4duled for Friday, September 13th at 10:30 am at the NCC.

Candy asked for a motion to adjourn. Craig made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm. Jacob seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous, motion carried.

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