FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 03-14-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector

FICRA Board Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2024, 7:00 PM

Attendees:  Arlyn Lawrence (President), Wes King (Vice-President) excused, Hal Goodell (Treasurer) zoomed, Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jim Braden (Project Manager), Brett and Emily Leady, Jacob and Laura Paukert, Bruce Monell, and Joan Broughton

Public Comments:  Arlyn suggested that the nominating committee (Candy, Wes, and Arlyn) suggest nominees for Board positions.  Arlyn and Wes suggested Jacob Paukert.  Jacob accepted the nomination.  Candy recommended Emily Leady.  Emily wasn’t sure she had the time to make a firm commitment.  However, she accepted the position of lead on the apparel design and printing for the FICRA Fair.  Candy said she would assist as necessary.  Candy had two more candidates for consideration.  One withdrew due to recent family circumstances and the other was not present for this meeting. 

Approval of February 2024 Meeting Minutes:  Arlyn called for a motion to approve the February minutes.  Craig motioned to approve the February minutes as issued, Candy seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report (Hal Goodell):

Trust Checking Beginning Balance                              $ 29,661.00

Checks and Payments                                                           5,777.90                      

Deposits and Credits                                                             7,023.48                                                          

Ending Balance                                                  $ 30,906.58                                                                       

Trust Savings Beginning Balance                                 $        731.85

Checks and Payments                                                                     0.00                                                                 

Deposits and Credits                                                                          .03 Feb Interest                                                                        

Ending Balance                                                  $        731.88      

Building Trust PayPal Ending 9/31/23

Beginning Balance                                                            $          23.64

Checks and Payments                                                            1,056.61                                                                 

Deposits and Credits                                                           1,225.00                                                            

Ending Balance                                                  $        192.03       

Trust Capital Checking Beginning Balance               $        382.30

Checks and Payments                                                     0.00                                                                                           

Deposits and Credits                                                                       0.00                                                            

Ending Balance                                                  $        382.30      

Trust Reserve Checking Beginning Balance             $        153.20 

Checks and Payments                                                                    0.00                                                                   

Deposits and Credits                                                                    0.00                                                               

Ending Balance                                                  $        153.20       

30-Month Flex Certificate Beginning Balance   $104,666.98

Checks and Payments                                                                 330.98

Deposits and Credits                                                                   330.98                                                             

Ending Balance                                                  $104,997.96

10-Month Certificate Beginning Balance $  82,488.68

Checks and Payments                                                                       0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                    298.46 Feb Interest                                                                   

Ending Balance                                                  $  82,787.14

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP, NW)

Beginning Balance                                                            $ 208,026.46 

Checks and Payments                                                                  330.56                                                          

Deposits and Credits                                                                    661.12                                                                 

Ending Balance                                                   $ 208,357.02

Trust General Money Market Beg Balance              $ 111,101.56 

Checks and Payments                                                                      0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                       $           330.56  Feb Interest       

Ending Balance                                                  $ 111,432.12

Trust Capital Money Market Beg Balance                 $   33,045.22

Checks and Payments                                                                        0.00                          

Deposits and Credits                                                                       0.00                       

Ending Balance                                                  $     33,045.22    

Trust Reserve Money Market Beg Balance              $     40,802.47

Checks and Payments                                                                        0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                         0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $      40,802.47  

Trust Community Events/Act MM Beg Balance $      12,100.96

Checks and Payments                                                                          0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                            0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $      12,100.96

Trust Emerg Prep Restricted MM Beg Balance   $         6,591.59

Checks and Payments                                                                           0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                             0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $          6,591.59

Trust Neigh Watch Restricted MM Beg Balance $          4,384.66

Checks and Payments                                                                           0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                               0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $           4,384.66

Trust Money Market – Other Beg Balance               $                   0.00

Checks and Payments                                                                      330.56              Feb Interest Xfer to General MM             

Deposits and Credits                                                                        330.56                                                                 

Ending Balance                                                                         0.00

Sum of QB Sub Money Market                                         $ 208,357.02

Standing Committee Reports (Jim Braden):

Building & Grounds:  The Fox Island Garden Club has offered to purchase an outdoor fountain (drinking fountain, water bottle refill station, and pet watering) for the NCC.  Jim is working with them and placement to be determined. 

Nature Center (Ed Burrough):  The nature center has secured several native plants from the Pierce County’s Conservation District and will be planting those in the nature center at their next work party.

Emergency Preparedness (EP):  The EP website team has secured a website developer.  The new website (fi-ready) basic display structure is complete.  We expect to have a beta model ready for in-house review the week of March 18th.

The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is no longer going to be actively supporting our EP medical inventory and trailer.  The medical inventory is ours and we have asked to take ownership of the trailer (we are first on their list to take it over – hopefully as a donation – but if there is a cost for that EP will work to justify our acquisition of it.

We have had a second phone conversation with the Heart Church about using their facility for shelter – more to come.  We have met with the United Church of Christ Trustee representatives on the issue of using the UCC as a shelter in a major emergency.  The trustees were amenable to that and are to take that up formally at their March 27th meeting.  We will have a representative there as well.

The radio station KGHP is still questionable on being an aid to our emergency communication for the long term.  PSD 401 has not decided on that, but they did conduct a second input meeting which Jim attended.  KGHP is built into our emergency response system.  More to come on that as Jim is on the study team formed by PSD 401 on that issue.

Neighborhood Watch has become aware of some criminal activity recently, most of which is related to the Post Office (where we have no jurisdiction – a real concern in itself) and mailbox thefts.  The Post Office lobby is now locked at night.  Post Office mail theft and vandalism is a federal offense.  The Postal Inspector handles these crimes.  The Post Office staff have done all they can do to get it back to normal.  Since this is a federal offense, the Fox Island Neighborhood Watch and Sheriff Department are involved to the degree we can be.

FIARC (Fox Island Amateur Radio Club):  We are looking forward to taking on projects in 2024.  Jane Tollett has established a list and proposed dates for this.  FIARC is working with the Scouting folks to conduct a radio event that introduces the amateur radio world to both Cubs and Scouts.

Other Items:

The UCC tennis court repair/maintenance issue will be discussed at the UCC March 27th Trustee meeting.  Craig and/or Jim will attend that and bring back an approach for the FICRA Board to consider.

Sandspit effort and FICRA.  Please refer to Craig’s letter on this issue

Neighborhood Watch charter:  Tom Taylor recommendation – Jim and Craig to follow up.

AED Status:  We are first in line after District 5 personnel for a Fire Department surplus unit.  We won’t see that until this summer if it comes through.

NCC sign light:  This has been completed.

Jim mentioned the Fox Island Mutual Water Association’s annual meeting on March 19th and Jim will again confirm water availability for Sports Field irrigation.

Spanish lessons begin March 27th with 3 sections (children from 4:00-5:00pm, adult beginners from 6:00-7:00pm and a post-beginners class from 7:15-8:15pm).

Apparel sale lead needed for the FICRA Fair.

Old Business:

Summer T-ball update:  Teams are ready to begin.  Games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Temporary election box placement:  Pierce County Election officials are ready for placement at the Nichols Community Center.  The Box must have a drive-up option.  Placement will be on the south side of the parking lot on a cement slab. 

New Business:

Communication Standard Operating Procedure:  Minutes will include consent agreement should the Board have consensus on a topic beforehand via email/zoom/etc.

FICRA Easter Activities (Candy Wawro):  Egg hunt volunteers have been contacted.  Golden eggs will contain raffle tickets only (a deviation from past practice).  Each child does get a raffle ticket when they enter.  This year we have 17 raffle prizes (obtained at the close of the Easter season last year at significant savings) plus 6 donated Easter baskets.  Legendary Donuts will provide extra treats available for purchase.  FICRA is responsible for coffee, creamer, sugar, cups, and napkins.  Two thousand pre-stuffed eggs have been purchased.  Areas will be roped off for the 0-2 years, 3-4 years, 5-8 years and 9-11years.  Hunt starts at 10:00am followed by the Easter bonnet contest, and then the children’s raffle. 

The evening adult wine tasting, and glow-in-the-dark egg hunt, begins at 7:00pm.  Two Fox Winery will be conducting the tastings (4).  The Washington State Liquor Board requirements are that we cannot sell the tastings for less than the winery charges ($10).  Therefore, the entrance fee of $10 will cover one each of the wine tastings (4 wines) and $8 for a glass (also the same price as the winery charges).  Bottle prices are also whatever the winery charges.  Beer is $5.  Each person does get one raffle ticket upon entering.  Additional raffle tickets are accrued with the turning in of the eggs collected.  Musician has been accrued (Max Cobb).  Eggs stay lit for up to 18 hours.  There are 144 eggs but 288 light sticks.  Raffle prizes consist of 2 carrot cake coffee, 2 white rabbit coffee, specialty peeps (2 groups of 3), a glass hummingbird feeder, a rabbit shaped cutting board and dried fruit, two snacks of spicy bunny nuts, a hydroponic tabletop planter with seeds and supplies, and an expresso machine and froth cup.

FI “Olympics” Event:  Arlyn asked if this is a stand-alone event or combined with another FICRA event.  Craig suggested that it be a stand-alone event on June 29th (one week after the Summer Solstice).  Craig and Jacob Paukert will handle the event.

Advertising the NCC rental venue with Gig Harbor Now:  The Board thought we are getting enough rentals without the cost of advertising.

Roadside signs:  It was suggested that we have additional signage of upcoming events in front of the Nichols Community Center (Next event, date/time, sponsored by), as well as near the bridge, post office, and possibly Zogs (with permission).  More information to come.

Motion to Adjourn:  Arlyn asked for a motion to adjourn.  Craig made a motion to adjourn.  Candy seconded the motion.  Voting was unanimous.  Motion carried.  Adjournment was 8:25pm. 

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