FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 02-08-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, February 8, 2024, 7:00PM
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 8, 2024, 7:00 pm

Attendees:  Arlyn Lawrence (President) excused, Wes King (Vice President) zoomed, Hal Goodell (Treasurer) zoomed, Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jim Braden (Buildings & Grounds)

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

Public Comments:  Caroline Campbell related that 49 kindergarteners and 1st graders have signed up for T-ball.  We have received 12 sponsors to date at $250 each to defer costs.  June 4th is the end of season party at the Nichols Community Center.  Caroline asked if we needed a second porta-potty.  Wes recommended waiting to see if it is needed.  Craig made a motion that the FICRA logo be on the shirts and hats.  Arlyn seconded said motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.  Caroline asked about a banner displaying all our sponsors.  Wes recommended reaching out to Kyle Larson (lives on the island) for a quote.    

Approval of January 11th Minutes:  Arlyn made a motion to approve the January 11, 2024 minutes.  Craig seconded the motion.  Vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Standing Committee Reports

Treasurers’ Report (Hal Goodell):

Trust Checking Beginning Balance                              $ 29,941.25

Checks and Payments                                                        4,469.75                                                      

Deposits and Credits                                                           4,189.50

Ending Balance                                                                $  29,661.00                                                                

Trust Savings Beginning Balance                                 $         731.82

Checks and Payments                                                                      0.00                                                                                

Deposits and Credits                                                                           .03 (Interest)

 Ending Balance                                                               $         731.85                                               

Building Trust PayPal Ending 9/31/23

Beginning Balance                                                            $         475.38

Checks and Payments                                                         3,006.74                                                                                              

Deposits and Credits                                                            2,555.00                                                                                                      

Ending Balance                                                                $            23.64                                                                                

Trust Capital Checking Beginning Balance               $          459.90

Checks and Payments                                                            3,093.11 (Emerg Exit, Rear Door & Signs)                                 

Deposits and Credits                                                           3,015.51 (From Cap MM for Project Expe

Ending Balance                                                                $         382.30                                                               

Trust Reserve Checking Beginning Balance             $         153.20 

Checks and Payments                                                                   0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                      0.00                                               

Ending Balance                                                                             153.20                                                                             

30-Month Flex Certificate Beginning Balance    $ 104,314.37

Checks and Payments                                                                        0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                      352.61 (December Interest)       

Ending Balance                                                      $104,666.98                                                                 

10-Month Certificate Beginning Balance     $  82,170.86

Checks and Payments                                                                                        0.00                                             

Deposits and Credits                                                                       317.82 (December Interest)                                              

Ending Balance                                                      $   82,488.68                                                                

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP, NW)

Beginning Balance                                                            $ 210,688.19 

Checks and Payments                                                           5,593.30                                                                                        

Deposits and Credits                                                              2,931.57                                       

Ending Balance                                                                 $ 208,026.46                                                                                

Trust General Money Market Beg Balance              $ 111,247.78 

Checks and Payments                                                                   500.00 (Xfer to Cap MM for signs)

Deposits and Credits                                                                   353.78 (Jan Interest)           

Ending Balance                                                                 $ 111.101.56                                                              

Trust Capital Money Market Beg Balance                 $   35,560.73

Checks and Payments                                                            3,015.51 ( Cap MM to Cap Ckg for signs & exit)

Deposits and Credits                                                                    500.00                     

Ending Balance                                                  $     33,045.22

Trust Reserve Money Market Beg Balance              $     40,802.47

Checks and Payments                                                                      0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                         0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $      40,802.47  

Trust Community Events/Act MM Beg Bal           $      12,100.96

Checks and Payments                                                                          0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                            0.00

Ending Balance                                                  $      12,100.96

Trust Emerg Prep Restricted MM Beg Balance   $         6,591.59

Checks and Payments                                                                          0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                            0.00

Ending Balance                                                     $       6,591.59

Trust Neigh Watch Restricted MM Beg Balance   $      4,384.66

Checks and Payments                                                                         0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                             0.00

Ending Balance                                                      $       4,384.66

Trust Money Market – Other Beg Balance                  $                0.00

Checks and Payments                                                                      353.78 (Interest Xfer to Gen MM)

Deposits and Credits                                                                        353.78 (January Interest)           

Ending Balance                                                       $               0.00

Sum of QB Sub Money Market                                         $ 208,026.46

Standing Committee Reports (Jim Braden)

Buildings & Grounds (Jim Braden):  Rick Baze has indicated his ground-keeping rate for 2024 will be $50/hr for all time spent.  His rates for 2023 were $45/hr while using his mower and $35 for the rest of his time.  Jim indicated that he had not done any comparison shopping but is recommending we pay Rick his asking price as he spends more time than he claims keeping the NCC grounds looking good.  The Board needs to visit the subject of sports field maintenance as a part of this subject.  Jacob Paukert said he would donate a rake to utilize.

Nature Center (Ed Burrough): The tree that was a threat to our neighbor’s garage on the north side was removed and paid for by FICRA.

Emergency Preparedness (Jim Braden):  The EP website team met on February 5th and reviewed the first draft material the team has developed that the new website (fi-ready) will display.  We also ask that include any important EP news releases in its news section.  Again, we wish to confirm that the Board wishes to establish the longstanding address for the FICRA website.  The radio station KGHP is still questionable on being an aid to our emergency communication for the long term.  PSD 401 has not decided on that, but they did conduct an input meeting which Jim attended.  KGHP is built into our emergency response system.  More to come on that as Jim is trying to get on the study team being formed by PSD 401 on that issue.  We have yet to follow up with Kramer Payne of the Heart Church who is “100% in” on using their facility as a shelter.  We have met with United Church of Christ trustee representatives on the issue of using the UC as a shelter in a major emergency.  The trustees were amenable to that and were to take the issue to the seven person UCC Trust board for consideration.

Fox Island Amateur Radio Club (FIARC) (Jim Braden):  The FIARC is looking forward to taking on projects in 2024.  FIARC is working with the Scouts to conduct a radio event that introduces the amateur radio world to both Cubs and Scouts.

Neighborhood Watch (Jim Braden):  It has been another very good year for our management of crime.  The Emergency Patrol Team has received new magnetic car signs that reflect the new “Neighborhood Watch” name change.

Jim also asked the Board to put the following onto future Board action items:

  • Recognizing volunteers and donors – tabled for now.
  • Neighborhood Watch charter.  Board to advise next step.  Craig to check with Tom Taylor.
  • AED status.  In line for a Fire Department surplus unit or two.  Jim to follow up.

Old Business:

Summer Youth baseball/softball camp update (see public comments above)

Temporary Election Box Placement (Candy Wawro/Jim Braden):  Candy was initially contacted by the Pierce County Board of Elections to inquire about placing the election ballot box at the Nichols Community Center temporarily as the Fox Island Fire Station is being remodeled.  Candy is to meet with a representative about placement that allows for drive up ballot drop.  The Pierce County representative did not know if the placement would happen before or after the March elections but would be in place by November.

Report on Benevolence Discussion:  This topic was discussed with Board members via zoom and determined to not put in place at this time as a FICRA function.  There is an extensive list provided by Pierce County to assist individuals and families with rent assistance, health needs, electric bills, etc.  Numerous churches relayed that assistance is requested frequently as a revolving door.  It was suggested that our new website might have these agencies listed for easy access to our islanders.

UCC Tennis Court Update:  Jim and Craig met with the United Church of Christ Church (UCC) representatives John Mikkelborg and Rod Leveridge on February 5th regarding the tennis courts in need of repair on the UCC property.  John serves as the lead on the 7-person Board of Trustees and Rod is the Trustee in charge of the UCC property.  John and Rod opened with the IUCC position regarding the property.  (1) The property is to remain in UCC’s ownership (and UCC’s insurance coverage as we understand it.  (2) The church’s desire is to have the tennis courts be a facility for the community to use.  (3) The church is not financially able to put the courts back into safe use condition.  Estimates are $10K to eliminate the lumps in the courts and $30K to resurface, paint and stripe the two courts.  (4) The church would be interested in having FICRA assist in fundraising for repairs and maintenance.  The church is open to being the location to conduct a fundraiser event.  The church is also interested in FICRA assisting in scheduling the facility.

A brief discussion of what the fundraiser would look like was held.  It was mentioned that FICRA and the church would put on an island-wide tennis tournament, the details of which would be determined later.  The church would offer tables and chairs and setup/tear down.  This would take place in the Spring or, preferably, Summer when kids are out of school on a weekend when people are not at work. 

Jim and Craig acknowledged the UCC position and were supportive of assisting in the advertising of a fundraising event at the UCC facility and agreed to bring this to the FICRA Board meeting on February 8th for consideration.  Presented and accepted by the Board at this stage of discussion.

Report on the DeMoley Advisory Committee (Craig McLaughlin):  The plan is close to being finalized.  The cost of the remodel is approaching $1.8M.  There is no plan for a park host now or in the future.  No plans for running water or electrical lines.  Numerous trees will be removed despite the public asking PenMet to leave the trees in place.  Tree removal is needed to make the walkway and staircase down to the spit at a 5% grade.  Numerous islanders commented that the existing trees foster area bird habitat.  One resident commented that she could not use the drop off location (only designated for handicapped) to bring several children and a wagon to the spit for a family outing.  Many islanders in attendance were worried about the increased traffic across the bridge and on Bella Bella drive.  There was no answer when asked why the renovation was needed.  PenMet is paying the consultants over $300,000 to design the project and host the advisory committee and the public commentary.  Most of the Fox islanders that attended the public meetings were frustrated that they were not listened to. Craig will send out updates on our email list.    

Events Committee (Candy Wawro):  We are finalizing our activities for the year.  Food trucks now must be commissioned early as they are becoming increasingly popular for events, parties, weddings, etc.  We have coordinated with both the Chapel and the Fox Island Museum to preferably not have events occurring simultaneously as much as possible.  Occasionally, this does occur as schedules morph and change due to unforeseeable circumstances.  FICRA has planned their concerts and activities around the schedules provided to date.  This does not include Zog’s concerts.

March events are two pysanky egg decorating workshops on March 2nd and March 9th, an environmental permitting information session March 5th, a Cisco presentation sponsored by the Garden Club on March 10th, a children’s Egg Hunt (10-12 am) and an adult Egg Hunt/Wine tasting on March 30th 6:30-9:00pm.   Eggs for both events have been purchased.  Legendary Donuts food truck is acquired.  Volunteers for the children’s egg hunt suggest that we provide coffee/hot chocolate to enhance community mingling.  A musician has been acquired for the wine tasting evening event hosted by Two Fox Winery.  We’ll have beer as well.  Wine by glass or by the tasting is $5 as is the price of beer.  We plan on stuffing the adult eggs with raffle tickets and raffling off baskets (yet to be acquired).          

New Business: 

Building Security:  The question was raised about adding additional security cameras and whether the T-ball coaches will need access to the building.  We were assured that no access is needed as coaches will have their own equipment and port-a-potties are outside.  A question was raised whether a portable sink for hand washing/hand disinfectant could be available.  Jim will look at additional camera purchase/placement. 

Easter activities/Upcoming Events (Candy Wawro):  See above.  Craig mentioned that since this is an Olympic year, we host a FI Olympics event.  Candy suggested that our summer Solstice event, June 22nd, would be a great time to host it since that event is meant to be family friendly.  It is also the day we host the FI Art Show.  More information to follow.

Rental Business Update (Candy Wawro):  The calendar is filling nicely.  March has turned out to be a busy month and April is mostly booked for private events.  June is graduation month, and several parties are already booked.  Several weddings and celebrations of life events are taking hold.  Also, French Toast is asking about renting the facility during the summer months for student camps from the end June through the middle of August.  Candy made a motion that we purchase additional 16 additional chairs as we only have 70 of them in the auditorium.   The fire code states we can seat 80.  Wes seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Meeting Adjournment:  Arlyn asked for a motion to adjourn.  Motion was seconded by Hal.  Voting was unanimous.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:43pm.   

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