FICRA Board Meeting Minutes 01-11-2024

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes 
Thursday, January 11, 2024, 7:00PM 
Nichols Community Center, Fox Island, Washington 

2023-2024 FICRA Trust Board
Weston KingPresident
Arlyn LawrenceVice President
Candy WawroSecretary
Hal GoodellTreasurer
Craig McLaughlinDirector

FICRA Building Trust Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, January 11, 2024, 7:00 pm

Attendees:  Arlyn Lawrence (President) excused, Wes King (Vice President), Hal Goodell (Treasurer) zoomed, Candy Wawro (Secretary), Craig McLaughlin (Director), Jim Braden (Buildings & Grounds)

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

Public Comments: Caroline Miller addressed the Board about starting a t-ball “league” for K-1st (a total of 48 players) at the Nichols Community Center that includes a small fee for baseball hats and shirts.  Four teams would play and practice during a 6-week schedule from April 1 – May 30th, excluding the week of Spring break (April 15th – 19th).  Practices would be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:45 and 5:45 pm from April 1st through April 25th (excluding Spring break as noted).  Games would then begin April 30th – May 30th with teams also playing on Tuesdays and Thursdays at either 4:45pm or 5:45pm for a total of 10 games.  Ideally, each team will have at least 2 coaches.  The more parent volunteers, the better.  Caroline plans to reach out to the sports director at Gig Harbor High School to see if any high school players are interested in providing community service hours by assisting with coaching and/or participating in a clinic.  Caroline has provided a cost for t-ball tees, helmets, t-ball baseballs w/buckets, jerseys, and hats.  Wes said he would be happy to show Caroline what has been purchased for us already.  She asked that if the board approved, she would like registration on our website.  Wes asked for a motion to approve said endeavor.  Hal made a motion to approve the proposal with a budget of $2,000, Craig 2nded the motion, the vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Approval of December 14th Minutes:  Craig made a motion to approve the November minutes.  Wes seconded the motion.  All approved, motion carried.

Standing Committee Reports

Treasurers’ Report (Hal Goodell):

Trust Checking Beginning Balance                              $ 30,559.48

Checks and Payments                                                        10,366.16                       

Deposits and Credits                                                            9,747.93                                                           

Ending Balance                                                                  $ 29,941.25                                                                       

Trust Savings Beginning Balance                                 $      731.79

Checks and Payments                                                                  0.00                                                                    

Deposits and Credits                                                                      .03 Interest                                                                      

Ending Balance                                                                  $      731.82      

Building Trust PayPal Ending 9/31/23

Beginning Balance                                                            $        432.34

Checks and Payments                                                                  45.00                                                                 

Deposits and Credits                                                                 1.96                                                                

Ending Balance                                                                  $        475.38       

Trust Capital Checking Beginning Balance               $        459.90

Checks and Payments                                                                      0.00                                                                                            

Deposits and Credits                                                                      0.00                                                             

Ending Balance                                                                  $        459.90      

Trust Reserve Checking Beginning Balance             $        153.20 

Checks and Payments                                                                    0.00                                                                   

Deposits and Credits                                                                0.00                                                                    

Ending Balance                                                                  $        153.20       

30-Month Flex Certificate Beginning Balance       $ 103,962.95

Checks and Payments                                                                     0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                  351.42                                                              

Ending Balance                                                                  $ 104,314.37

10-Month Certificate Beginning Balance                 $  81,854.27

Checks and Payments                                                                  0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                316.59 Dec Interest                                                                       

Ending Balance                                                                  $  82,170.86  

Trust Money Market (General, Capital, Reserve, EP, NW)

Beginning Balance                                                            $ 209,332.56 

Checks and Payments                                                             2,066.25                                                            

Deposits and Credits                                                               3,421.88                                                                   

Ending Balance                                                                   $ 210,688.19

Trust General Money Market Beg Balance              $ 109,169.99 

Checks and Payments                                                                      0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                       $      2,077.79 Dec Int & Xfer from Cap MM to Trust MM         

Ending Balance                                                                  $ 111,247.78

Trust Capital Money Market Beg Balance                 $   36,282.89

Checks and Payments                                                              1,722.16 Excess SF Prof Funds to Gen MM                           

Deposits and Credits                                                           1,000.00 Silver 2023 Donation Xfer from Trust Ck             

Ending Balance                                                                  $     35,560.73    

Trust Reserve Money Market Beg Balance              $     40,802.47

Checks and Payments                                                                        0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                         0.00

Ending Balance                                                                  $      40,802.47  

Trust Community Events/Act MM Beg Balance     $      12,100.96

Checks and Payments                                                                       0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                           0.00

Ending Balance                                                                  $      12,100.96

Trust Emerg Prep Restricted MM Beg Balance      $         6,591.59

Checks and Payments                                                                          0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                            0.00

Ending Balance                                                                  $          6,591.59

Trust Neigh Watch Restricted MM Beg Balance    $          4,384.66

Checks and Payments                                                                         0.00

Deposits and Credits                                                                             0.00

Ending Balance                                                                  $           4,384.66

Trust Money Market – Other Beg Balance              $                   0.00

Checks and Payments                                                                      355.63                                                                                

Deposits and Credits                                                                          355.63                                                                               

Ending Balance                                                                                      0.00

Sum of QB Sub Money Market                                         $ 210,688.19

Standing Committee Reports (Jim Braden)

Buildings & Grounds:  The replacement backdoor project has been completed (minor cleanup remains).  We are back to concentrating on the front doors.  The design of eyebrows for that back door and the two doors on the south wall are being considered to protect the doors better from the weather as well as being safer for personnel traffic using the doors in inclement weather.  The Board will be presented with a Project Test Form as a first step.

Wes is continuing to manage the installation of the new signs.  The signs have been coated for weather resistance.  Many compliments have been received already.  Jim will install a light for the front sign. 

Nature Center: (Ed Burrough):  The new Garry Oak trees are now protected from deer.  We are still working on trail maintenance.  The fallen trees have been cleared from the trail.  There is continuing work on the never-ending task of removing Himalayan blackberry roots.

Emergency Preparedness (EP): EP Continues working on an ancillary website focused on Emergency Preparedness (EP).  That website will be managed by the EP organization.  We ask that the new website will have an easy means of getting redirected to the new EP website with a simple tab on the “home” page.  We also ask that also include any important EP news releases in its news section.  Notice that we request the site be renamed to the longstanding “”.

We heard back from Kramer Payne of the Heart Church, and they are 100 percent “in” on using their facility for a shelter.  They have been letting us use their parking lot for busing folks to major events at the Nichols Community Center.  We are working with the United Church of Christ to confirm the same.

The radio station KGHP is still questionable on being an aid to our emergency communication for the long term.  PSD 401 has not yet decided that issue, but they did conduct an input meeting which Jim Braden attended.  KGHP is built into our emergency response system.  More to come on that as Jim is trying to get on the study team being formed by PSD 401 on that issue.

It has been another very good year for our management of crime.  The Emergency Patrol Team has received new magnetic car signs.  The signs reflect the new “Neighborhood Watch”.

Fox Island Amateur Radio Club (FIARC) is looking forward to taking on projects in 2024.  FIARC is working with the Scouting folks to conduct a radio event that introduces the amateur radio world to both Cubs and Scouts.

Other items:  The United Church of Christ tennis court maintenance issue is waiting for the Tennis Group (John Mikkelborg) to call back on getting a meeting together to get the background and all other considerations on the table for review.  Craig and Jim will bring recommendations to the Board after the meeting process has run its course.

Jim Braden recommended recognizing volunteers and donors.  We have done this in the past.  The Board needs to advise Jim on pursuing this.  Also, we need an annual schedule of events to coordinate with the rest of the island (Chapel, Museum, etc.).  A Neighborhood Watch charter has been sent to the Board for approval and sent to our insurance broker.  Our Troop 27 is aging out, but we have a healthy Pack 27 that will lead/feed the Troop 27 in time.  

Events Committee (Candy Wawro):  We are finalizing our activities for the year.  Food trucks now must be commissioned early as they are becoming increasingly popular for events, parties, weddings, etc.  We have coordinated with both the Chapel and the Fox Island Museum to preferably not have events occurring simultaneously as much as possible.  Occasionally, this does occur as schedules morph and change due to unforeseeable circumstances.  FICRA has planned their concerts and activities around the schedules provided to date.  This does not include Zog’s concerts.         

New Business:  Candy brought to the Board’s attention that the Chapel on Echo Bay has asked that the Fox Island Art Fair be moved to the Nichols Community Center as their Board was not interested in the Chapel continuing to host the event in their space.  Candy approached the Fox Paws Chapter of the Peninsula Art League if they would be interested in showing/selling.  They agreed on the condition that it be combined with another FICRA function in order that more people could view the work.  It was suggested that FICRA could host the FI Art Fair during our Summer Solstice celebration on June 22nd.  All interested parties agreed to the proposed date should the Board approve.  Wes asked for a motion.  Candy made the motion to approve the FI Art Fair for June 22nd in conjunction with the annual Summer Solstice Celebration.  Craig seconded such a motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

The Gig Harbor High School scholarship team is seeking a renewal of the FICRA FI scholarship funding.  Last year, FICRA donated $10,000 to deserving teens from the Island.  Paperwork must be returned to the Scholarship team by January 31st if we wish to participate.  Wes asked for a motion.  Craig made a motion to again offer $10,000 to Gig Harbor High School to be used for college/vocational further education.  Hal seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

Rental Business Update (Candy Wawro):  The Nichols Community Center is hosting a variety of classes starting in the new year.  Ukelele lessons run for four weeks for a cost of $115.  There are two adult classes and one youth class being offered.  The Ukelele, part two, in February is dependent on the continued enrollment.  Again, lessons are four weeks (1-hour per lesson).  The NCC will again run a meditation class (which had a significant jump in price) and watercolor painting.  The Tai Chi Chih class was moved to March at the instructor’s desire.  We also offer two yoga classes (Monday mornings and Wednesday evenings) by donation only.  Spring and summer wedding/party venue rentals are beginning to come in.  French Toast decided that our space was not large enough for her theater classes.  With Boy Scout programing, the auditorium was not available on Monday through Thursdays at their needed times.  The Scout leaders were contacted to see if they could change the times/days for meeting.  We were told that wasn’t possible.  We asked if French Toast could change their times to accommodate.  We were told that their parents expect the same time slot(s).  Hence, with the impasse, they decided to find another space. Unfortunately, FICRA is losing significant revenue.               

Wes made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.  Hal seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Motion carried.

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